28 Jan 2013

Letters of thanks

We often receive kind referrals and letters of thanks on completing work for our clients and it's always appreciated.  When we have been part of a large project team it's great to know that the client has recognised our particular service and contribution.  Helping people with issues on a more local front is also very satisfying and we were pleased to receive the following Email from a client with a tree problem in one of our local villages.

Dear Andrew 

Many thanks indeed for successfully processing our application for the family who owned the plot and she has agreed to pass the information on to her sister who is due to inherit the land when probate is eventually granted.  She would have seen the proposal anyhow as she is a member of the Parish Council and as yet have not received any comments.  We have permission from the Baroness to gain access across her land.

We are very grateful for the efficient and professional way you handled this matter on our behalf and have today transferred your fee.

Kind regards

P & J M..................

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